Latest Trends in Sports Betting Apps and Software 2024-25

What Are the Latest Trends in Sports Betting Apps and Software?

The year 2024 may be the year where sports betting software development may pivot. This year, the market will reach $66.7 billion (source: Statista). There are many factors that are driving this growth, and some of them have to do with generative artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Sports betting apps are getting more intuitive, flexible, and fun, thanks to emerging technologies in sports betting application development. The good news is that there’s also been a shift in the market towards responsible gambling and legal compliance. A Deloitte report suggested that many sports organizations and leagues are likely to start to aggregate and manage their own fan data programs and begin to build proprietary fan databases.

There are largely two kinds of trends in sports betting software development that are shaping up the industry:

  • Market Trends
  • Technological Trends

1. Real-Time Gaming: The demand for live or in-play gaming has dramatically increased in the past few years, with gamers playing with their peers on mobile apps. Live streaming available on virtual sports betting websites and applications has taken it several notches higher. What’s required, however, is legal agreements containing guarantees as an insurance mechanism.

2. Smart Watch Accessibility: The accessibility of the games for their gamers has truly touched hyper levels as wearable technology companies start to make changes in their gear to accommodate gaming. The latest example is Apple Watch buying dedicated machine software from Playtech or some smart watch companies enhancing their wearable devices. Market acceptance is currently limited to wearable gaming apps, while popular sports betting apps are slowly warming up to the idea.

3. Use of Big Data Analytics in Sports: It should come as no surprise that big data’s contribution to sports betting is becoming bigger. Big data analytics plays a huge role in enhancing alignment and accuracy during analysis processes. Analytics empower players and benefit sportsbooks.

4. Cash-Out Selections: Cash-out options are more common now in sports betting than ever. Cash-out selections offer more control and flexibility to bettors when the outcome remains unknown. Bettors also prefer them when they want to lock in some potential earnings early. This trend is not going anywhere.

5. Social Betting Communities: It is now more common for sports bettors to brag about their wins on social media. This is why sports betting app development companies began integrating social sharing features. However, gamers and betters have taken this to a whole new level by creating betting communities organically on social media.

6. Esports Betting: Ever heard of League of Legend, Dota 2, or Counter Strike? These are esports titles, and now they are up for esports betting as well. More sportsbooks are now providing esports wagering, considering how popular esports have become. This kind of betting provides users with unique betting opportunities for player talents, meta shifts within casino games, or performance metrics. This gives them a plethora of opportunities to place bets.

7. API Integration: Now it’s time to integrate APIs from the EASL data sources to provide real-time updates and information.

8. Testing: You now need to thoroughly test the app on various devices to identify and fix bugs and ensure smooth functionality.

9. Deployment and Distribution: Now you will need to submit the app to the respective app stores (Google Play Store and Apple App Store) for approval and distribution.

10. Maintenance and Updates: Plan for regular maintenance, bug fixes, and updates to keep the app running smoothly. 

Technological trends in sports betting app development

7. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR): Sports betting apps are now expected to include AR and VR features for a wholesome experience. It does make sense considering how these technologies offer an immersive experience replicating the thrill of sports matches while betting. Users can place bets and watch sporting events through virtual stadiums.

8. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: The latest technology to join the sports betting bandwagon is AI and ML. However, parts of AI were already being utilized early for creating intuitive sports betting apps. The core of sports betting lies in odds calculations, where bookmakers need to balance the risk and the reward. AI will now take the current disruption to the next level with AI algorithms personalizing recommendations, offering suggestions, and allowing players to play more intelligently. Sportsbooks and sports betting providers will benefit from AI for identifying and assisting problem gamblers and promoting responsible gambling..

9. Blockchain Integration: Blockchain integration offers the kind of transparency and security that the sports betting industry can adopt. Blockchain ensures fair play, leads to secure transactions, and minimizes fraudulent activities. Many custom sports betting application development companies are catering to the needs of sports betting providers regarding the integration of this technology. This is happening because the industry is now more conscious of fair play and responsible gambling.

10. Cryptocurrency Adoption: Betting apps are already accepting and transacting in cryptocurrencies. Countries such as the United States, Canada, Israel, Australia, and the European Union now accept certain cryptocurrencies as legal tender or legal payments. This provides an added incentive for sports betting companies to deal in crypto and expand their user base. There are many gamblers and sports betting players who prefer crypto over traditional currency, and there’s huge market potential for this exchange in the sports betting industry.

11. Automated Betting: Imagine a bot placing a bet on behalf of you. Yes, there are gamblers and bettors who prefer automated betting for times when they cannot spend time doing the same thing. This is particularly popular among players who are busy and yet are interested in a bit of legal sports gambling. Automated betting allows users to place bets on multiple markets and sports simultaneously. For sports betting application development companies, this is an additional revenue stream as this betting needs a software program or a bot to place bets on behalf of users. This can be a completely different application or an added feature in an existing sports betting app.

ZabSports can include these technologies

At ZabSports, developers are constantly updating themselves with new trends in user interface and user experience design. We focus on delivering seamless and intuitive user experiences that are user-friendly. We have the expertise and technical know-how to integrate esports betting, AR/VR features, blockchain and cryptocurrency integration, automated betting, AI, and data analytics into your custom sports application. We have delivered competitive sports betting software for sportsbooks, legal sports gambling providers, and sports betting companies. Our team of experts has a deep understanding of market trends, and they will build what your sports app needs.

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Latest Trends in Sports Betting Apps and Software 2024-25 - Zabsports

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